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IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)

Experience the metamorphosis of outdated technology into valuable resources, echoing our dedication to a safe, protected, and eco-friendly ITAD path.

Our Processes

At the intersection of innovation and sustainability, our comprehensive practices revolve around reusing, recycling, repurposing, repairing, or safely disposing of unwanted IT equipment. Meticulously designed, our processes not only ensure data security but also contribute to environmental responsibility. 


Cable Dismantling from Server Rack

De-manufacturing using Pneumatic tools

Degaussing Process

Laptop Testing

Our step-by-step approach encompasses:

  1. Buy Back: Offering value for decommissioned assets.

  2. Inventorized Assets: Detailing and cataloging all items.

  3. Secured Storage: Safekeeping assets awaiting disposition.

  4. Collections: Organized and efficient asset pick-up.

  5. Data Security (Shredding/Crushing/Degaussing/Wiping): Stringent measures ensuring data erasure and destruction.

1. Buy Back

3. Secured Storage

2. Inventorized Assets

4. Collections

5. Data Security (Shredding / Crushing / Degaussing / Wiping)

  • Expose to strong magnetic field

  • Erase the data entirely and permanently

  • Guarantee the information is no longer retrievable

The benefits of Data Degaussing:

  • Availability of various equipment that meets international standards requirements for sanitization of classified information

  • 100% guaranteed removal of data from magnetic media

  • Generating peak fields from 9,000-18,000 gauss

  • Reduces amount of time and labour resources required

  • Degauss Cycle time: up to 4 seconds per hard disk

  • Fast and seamless operations

  • System generated Activity Reports for audit trail

  • Services are available both onsite at the customer’s premises or at Elements’secured facility

ONSITE : Hard Drive /SSD Destroyer

Physical destruction in less than 18 seconds

Storage media applicable :HDD, SSD, flash drives


  • bending, breaking, and mangling

  • puncturing 90 interlocking spikes

Elements Industries equips ourselves with the vital tools in removal of confidential data from collected hard disks. 

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